Friday, December 23, 2011

Chalta hai - de bhai India de - Episode 1

It's a habit, it's a culture, it's a blessing, it's a secret, it's what we are, better it's just a curse that has been drilled into our brains and we feel it's our part.. our culture.. And that's the Chalta hai attitude..
I started from Sao Paulo to my beloved Mumbai.. it was a happy moment to say the least and I was explaining the beauty of a culture, some 5000 years old, to people from Brazil and turkey..

I was happy to be traveling back.. I was ever so loud about how my country has never in it's entire history invaded any other nation.. How beautiful it's people are.. How relationship oriented we are.. And then it struck me..the moment I landed there the first thing that came to my mind was what the f""".. The carpet looked like it came directly from a shaadi mandap with all the gravy just removed a minute back.. Queues were huge for immigration.. Completely disoriented staff.. People ready to help foreigners nd ignorant to their skin colored brothers.. 
my luggage was picked up and kept in a third place as the conveyor belt was getting overloaded.. Lost one of my luggage.. And the list was endless.. And then the moment happened.. I kicked my trolley in frustration and uttered the magic words.. f&$@ Mann(*sorry cannot mention the hindi cousin here, english seems to be soothing).. 

I hate this attitude of Chalta hai.. Which is unfortunately acceptable to everyone these days...
Its been some days now that I have finished writing on this chalta hai attitude.. postponing it daily.. saying Chalta hai yaar.. !!! 

I hate myself for this..

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